środa, 12 września 2012

Source of Nile

Souvenirs of Uganda and Lake Victoria

My trip to Uganda was already in April, so it was some time before. Today I found lost memory card of my digital camera with pictures taken that time.

For small amount of money one can have 1 hour boat trip on Lake Victoria. Most of guides there, take a trip to small island on lake, close to real source of Nile.
I was asured that Nile is longest river in world. How it compares with recent news about new Amazon river source... ?

The Nile is usually said to be the longest river in the world, with a length of about 6,695 km,[5] and the Amazon the second longest, with a length of at least 6,400 km.[4] In recent decades debate has intensified over the true source and therefore the length of the Amazon River.[2][7] Brazilian and Peruvian Studies in 2007 and 2008 added the waterway from the Amazon's southern outlet through tidal canals and the Pará estuary of the Tocantins and then concluded that the Amazon has a length of 6,992 km and was longer than the Nile, whose length was calculated as 6,853 km.[3]However, as of 2010 the length of both rivers remains open to interpretation and continued debate.[4]