poniedziałek, 20 czerwca 2011


Few more pictures form Almaty and flight  back (Frankfurt - Warsaw) below.

Next escapade - destination yet unknow.

piątek, 17 czerwca 2011

Back home

After 13h of flights I'm back home. I will put new comments later, I have fresh comparison of Kazakhstan and my home place... :)

środa, 15 czerwca 2011

Kok-tobe mountain

Day-off... so I have some time to hang around. I was in Kok-Tobe mountain to have the best view for the city.
Let's check photos I took.

business center in new city district

and view from mountain side:

slopes in the city (in the middle)


wtorek, 14 czerwca 2011


Local food is really good. I have already ate sausages from horse meat. Kind of soup - bullion. Some cheese, lamb meat, some kinds of Kazakh's bread... Today no beer, just a  juice and green tea with some fruits.


poniedziałek, 13 czerwca 2011

And now the photos...

Mainly view from my hotel, and I'm putting some other:
They have TV on soviet skyscrappers ;)

Connection is somehow strange so some photos can be duplicated. It is Asia.
I have just ate horse sausages with quite good beer :)) I can't even rewrite its brand.... but tasted good.

Kazakhstan day 1

I have arrived to Kazakhstan - Almaty. Here it's already evening, I'm sitting in hotel and watching news - ASH FROM NORTH AMERICA GETS TO AUSTRALIA!!!! Well let's think a second... Kazakhstan is behind Himalaya Mountains, so I think there is small chance to make disruption flights here. I hope so.

Nevertheless.. Almaty is located just next to mountains. High mountains. However I still can see snow on tops, while here is about 25 C degree.

Drivers here, are crazy :)) And pedestrians are more crazy than drivers. They are crossing 6 line street while cars are there!! It looks dangerous but actually drivers drives careful. And they use cars, both, with driving wheel on left and right side.

Photos to be addedd...