środa, 21 grudnia 2011

Last trip of the year - Bratislava, SK

I have just arrived to Bratislava, via Vienna. I could see marvelous view on Slovakia capitol city from motorway.
View from my room

Well it is very close form Vienna to Bratislava, so it is easily afordable with motorway connection. 
According to wiki there is around 400 000 citizens here. It looks like really friendly city. 

And one can speak not only in english, but it is somehow similar to polish language. I paid motorway fee just talking polish :) I like it. The same in hotel. 

When I was entering the city I have passed Dunaj - Danube - Donau river.

sobota, 10 grudnia 2011

Xmas carols in Joburg

Last weekend I had a chance to listen to Xmas concert in Nelson Mandela Squere in Sandton city. It was performed by Joburg choir - english & afrikeense carols, and african choir singing african carols in local language.

It was really special to listen to carols when it is about 35 C and You feel like a summertime.
It was also cool because atually audience was full, and many pedestrians just stopped and joined audience, singing carols together with african choir.

Concert was good to listen to, however it is better to be in Xmas time back at country and waiting for real snow.

piątek, 2 grudnia 2011

Weekend in Joburg, SA

Yesterday I have arrived to Joburg. My project in Zambia is not finished, but it is posponed. Most probably I will fly to Lusaka again - my visa is valid for 12 more days. 

Joburg - Yestreday I have chance to be in office in local company. People are not as nice and kind as in Lusaka. But still they are quite open and talkative. We had a small discussion about languages and cultures - polish and aouth afriacan. Here it is a mix of all western europe culutures and african. Local language afrikaanse is much similar to dutch language. Of course main language here is english. 

I had a chance to go to Pretoria with Gautrain line, unfortunatelly it was short trip just to railway station and back to Rosebank, where my hotel is. Nevertheless it was good oportunity to see country from train perspective. My impression it is much more developed than my home country. Builidngs are very similar to those I could see in UK, in satelitties cities around London. Moreover small houses are quite similar to newly builded in south of France like in area of Nice, Marseille. 

For this weekend I have plans to discover close district of Rosebank, tomorrow Sandton. 

View from my room at 8th floor.