piątek, 17 lutego 2012

The Gambia

Streets of Serrekunda
Gambia is a very small country. Around XVIII century Banjul city - now capital city - was set by east german governer (East Germany was depended of polish crown). Nevertheless noone in Gambia knows that fact. Everyone tells that it was british colony, that's all.

This country is on west coast, in the middleof Senegal. Banjul is just 30 minuts flight from Dakar. It is very safe, and pleasant place, full of tourist from Europe.

I spent one week in largest city of The Gambia - Serrekunda.

Donkey-cart still very popular and very cheap transport in Gambia

Like in many other african cities there is no public, organised transportation in Serrekunda. People are using taxies almost all the time. Number of taxis is really amaizing - I can say that is about70% ~ 80% of all cars. Yellows are for everone, greens for tourists mainly. Of course each taxi is one company. 

To transport goods Gambians can use more ecological and cheaper transportation.

Morning walk to find ATM
To have enough cash for hotel, I had to withdraw maney from 4 ATMs. One was not accepting my plastic, second had same problem, third one broke down after my two withdraws, four was succcessfull.

This was my last country in the trip. I have visited 8 airports in 7 countries. In last one I was lucky to meet friends from Poland - Kate and Tom ;)

I'm already back home - middle of winter time.
Money talks...

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