środa, 14 marca 2012

Gambia in March

It was not ling time ago, and I'm visitng Gambia once again. I really need to start Afrikense language.
This time I was chance to visit city more on foot than from car. And I liked that.
Just going outside of hotel I met bumpster who wanted to join me. Most of them wants one thing - your money. I've met local guide. It was quite good option as lead me to Crocks pool, I've had heard about in January.

Mision completed. 
Way to this pool was quite interesting, it was over slums. Most of white people go there by taxi. I wanted to go by foot - discovering things is much better.

Entry fee to Crocks pool is 50 dalasis - it is about 1,25 euro. Place is maybe not incredible, but really worth a price (which is nothing, beer is 30 dalasis).
Pool is not very large, something like 15 meters. It is totally green, and full of crocodiles. Animals here are feed early in the morning with fishes. During a day they don't need to eat any more until next morning.
Crocks are not big, not as big as I saw in Zambia, except one hidden in bush.

Most fancy thing is that becouse crocodiles are feed, people come here not only to see them but to touch them!!!!
It is possible to touch only males, those are not dangerous. Females, that might have youngs are not friendly.
Crock's skin is cold. It is soft in bottom part of its body. Tail is hard and sharp. It was impressive to touch crock, and very hard to overcome afraid.

PS During raining season 3 crocks escaped to nearby like Calypso, located on Atlantic Ocean beach.

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