poniedziałek, 30 stycznia 2012

Blantyre - Malawi

I spent few days in Blantyre. City is quite ok. It is not overcrawded, with few traffic, maybe due to lack of oil and forex problems... Cars are going slowly... Blantyre is second largest city in Malawi, after capital city of Lilongwe. It is about 150 km from here to Mozambique border.

City center.
Street next to office....  notice meeting on high level next to lantern :)

Nevertheless people who live here, live in very special place. City is surrounded by small hills.

City center overview

This are slums in Blantyre
I must add some comercial about beer. Carsberg - Probably the best beer in the world  is in Malawi. And it is brewared here. Local brand by Carlsberg is Kuche-Kuche. One can find original Carlsberg "Green" and Carlsberg "Special".

Kuche kuche in 0.5 l bootle, 3,75% vol. Bottles look like old polish lemonade bottle. 

All streets and roads are almost empty of cars. In the other hand lots of people are walking along roads, from and to work, or just to walk. Bus tickets for private public small buses are to expensive. If someone has a bike, it must be luxury.
Vehicles for public transport have white plates, all others have yellow.

Next destination is Lilongwe, capital city.

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