wtorek, 10 stycznia 2012

Zambia in 2012

I was afraid that this visit in Zambia will be very short - my visa was only for 12 days. No way, on airport border lady told me to buy new visa, so I have brand new one.

Yesterday I was in Malawi embasy in Lusaka, to apply for another visa to Malawi. Becouse Poland is worst that 3rd world country it means that polish man must do visa to any black land country in Africa.... Good thing is that to get visa to Malawi here takes only 3 days, comparing to more than a week in Berlin.

Today my driver told me that whether here is strange this year. It is raining season and there are really few rains. Same story as with snow in Poland?

As allways small trips during a daywork are specialite de la maison. In really close aproximity to city center, one can drive on small hill 100m heigh - around 1700m above sea level. Even whith 4x4 Toyota it was not quite easy. Remainings of asphalt road and big rocks gave a lot of satisfaction on a top.
And of course fine view on area...

Airport in far view - it is not allowed to take pictures!

Lusaka in far view
News from today - next week Malawi tbc, later Mozambique, and return to Lusaka tbc.

3 komentarze:

  1. Ciekawe chaszcze...trochę to pierwsze zdjęcie jak w pl...hehe...zarosty. Z tą wizą to konkretnie...Pozdro z PL

  2. zazdroszcze malawi i mozmbiku, eh!

  3. W Malawi brakuje paliwa i pieniedzy :)
