niedziela, 16 grudnia 2012

Cote d'Ivoire - deuxieme foi...

100km d'Abidjan direction d'Est, ou Ghana Il'y a une lagoon....

deuxieme type, plus chere....
C'est une tarasse de restaurant a cote de crocodile zoo

transport public

sable > +40 C

Dans Abidjan j'ai trouve les plus grands fruit d'Afrique - Jack Fruit - Artocarpus heterophyllus. On mange c'est fruit a est d'Afrique...

Retour a Varsovie - le 21/12/2012 - fin du Monde????

wtorek, 2 października 2012

Cosmopolitan city of Istambul

Memories again - this time from Istanbul, trip I did early this summer.

My hotel was located on Asian side of Istanbul. I must give information that Istambul is cut on half by Bosphorus. Following wiki:

The shores of the strait are heavily populated as the city of Istanbul (with a metropolitan area in excess of 11 million inhabitants) straddles it.

There are only two bridges over Bosphorus. I know it as one of them was renovated that time. It made a lot of traffic jam in whole city with arround 5 mln cars. Nevertheless, due to traffic on streets, I had a grate oprtunity to use ferry to cross straight to european side of city. 

Ferries are well organised. It is cheap and fast way to move from one border to other. Moreover from water level Istanbul looks marvelous, especially during the night, with city lights.

It is one of the best cities I've visited. For sure place that I can recommend to go to. Even not knowing turkish language.

View Larger Map

środa, 12 września 2012

Source of Nile

Souvenirs of Uganda and Lake Victoria

My trip to Uganda was already in April, so it was some time before. Today I found lost memory card of my digital camera with pictures taken that time.

For small amount of money one can have 1 hour boat trip on Lake Victoria. Most of guides there, take a trip to small island on lake, close to real source of Nile.
I was asured that Nile is longest river in world. How it compares with recent news about new Amazon river source... ?

The Nile is usually said to be the longest river in the world, with a length of about 6,695 km,[5] and the Amazon the second longest, with a length of at least 6,400 km.[4] In recent decades debate has intensified over the true source and therefore the length of the Amazon River.[2][7] Brazilian and Peruvian Studies in 2007 and 2008 added the waterway from the Amazon's southern outlet through tidal canals and the Pará estuary of the Tocantins and then concluded that the Amazon has a length of 6,992 km and was longer than the Nile, whose length was calculated as 6,853 km.[3]However, as of 2010 the length of both rivers remains open to interpretation and continued debate.[4]

środa, 11 kwietnia 2012

Au Congo

Je suis arrive au RD du Congo. C'est deja nuit et je n'ai vu rien. Seulement la route de airport a Kinshasa - Boulevard Lumumba - ca eteait comme fait la course.

Et ici photo de aeroport Zaventem

czwartek, 15 marca 2012

Jet lag in Maputo

After more than 24h of travelling across Africa I reached my destination. Instead of my hometown, I'm spending next few days in Mozambique. To get here I visited airports in Dakar, Nairobi and Joburg.

Finally to overcome jet lag I tried local cerveja.

środa, 14 marca 2012

Gambia in March

It was not ling time ago, and I'm visitng Gambia once again. I really need to start Afrikense language.
This time I was chance to visit city more on foot than from car. And I liked that.
Just going outside of hotel I met bumpster who wanted to join me. Most of them wants one thing - your money. I've met local guide. It was quite good option as lead me to Crocks pool, I've had heard about in January.

Mision completed. 
Way to this pool was quite interesting, it was over slums. Most of white people go there by taxi. I wanted to go by foot - discovering things is much better.

Entry fee to Crocks pool is 50 dalasis - it is about 1,25 euro. Place is maybe not incredible, but really worth a price (which is nothing, beer is 30 dalasis).
Pool is not very large, something like 15 meters. It is totally green, and full of crocodiles. Animals here are feed early in the morning with fishes. During a day they don't need to eat any more until next morning.
Crocks are not big, not as big as I saw in Zambia, except one hidden in bush.

Most fancy thing is that becouse crocodiles are feed, people come here not only to see them but to touch them!!!!
It is possible to touch only males, those are not dangerous. Females, that might have youngs are not friendly.
Crock's skin is cold. It is soft in bottom part of its body. Tail is hard and sharp. It was impressive to touch crock, and very hard to overcome afraid.

PS During raining season 3 crocks escaped to nearby like Calypso, located on Atlantic Ocean beach.

piątek, 17 lutego 2012

The Gambia

Streets of Serrekunda
Gambia is a very small country. Around XVIII century Banjul city - now capital city - was set by east german governer (East Germany was depended of polish crown). Nevertheless noone in Gambia knows that fact. Everyone tells that it was british colony, that's all.

This country is on west coast, in the middleof Senegal. Banjul is just 30 minuts flight from Dakar. It is very safe, and pleasant place, full of tourist from Europe.

I spent one week in largest city of The Gambia - Serrekunda.

Donkey-cart still very popular and very cheap transport in Gambia

Like in many other african cities there is no public, organised transportation in Serrekunda. People are using taxies almost all the time. Number of taxis is really amaizing - I can say that is about70% ~ 80% of all cars. Yellows are for everone, greens for tourists mainly. Of course each taxi is one company. 

To transport goods Gambians can use more ecological and cheaper transportation.

Morning walk to find ATM
To have enough cash for hotel, I had to withdraw maney from 4 ATMs. One was not accepting my plastic, second had same problem, third one broke down after my two withdraws, four was succcessfull.

This was my last country in the trip. I have visited 8 airports in 7 countries. In last one I was lucky to meet friends from Poland - Kate and Tom ;)

I'm already back home - middle of winter time.
Money talks...

piątek, 3 lutego 2012

Johannesburg for winter time

After visiting central african countries I've got pit-stop in Johannesburg. Just short brake between exotic conutries.
I have reviewed polish news - at home is as cold as -36.

I need to say I'm happy beeing here, as average temp here is arround +30 deg C.
Hope my car will start after my return....

środa, 1 lutego 2012

Blantyre - Lake Malawi - Lilongwe

Road trip Blantyre - Lilongwe - 415 km

Trip form Blantyre to Lilongwe was planned on Sunday, 29th January 2012 on 8 o’clock. Road trip started with almost 2 hours delay.
I was traveling with my hosts from Lilongwe and driver.
Car that we wanted to go with wasn’t ready. It had to be fuelled up, suspension, cooler, air in tyres checked.  We set off around 10 o’clock.

Wyświetl większą mapę

Quickly left the city, we were moving on two-way road to north direction. We have passed airport close to Blantyre. On our way we could’ve seen small chains of mountain that are in the area.

Well hills were not only close to Blantyre. Whole Malawi is highland. So we have passed another and another hills, mountains, chains. Road was empty, there are few cars on due to petrol shortage. I could seen only 3-4 trucks on the 500km way. I have seen also brand new BMW. It looks, that some people can afford car and fuel. As there is no traffic, there is no speed limit. Unfortunately, our old pick-up could go max 130kmph.
We have done just one stop to buy watermelon, 200 kwacha. In region where people were growing them we’ve seen a lot of small “road shops” advertising product.

Cottage with field 

Salima city and Lake Malawi
We have driven through few small cities, where trucks drivers have pit-stops. Many of those places were full of people, selling some fruits, shoes, bikes, all kind of goods. After 3 hours of journey we have finally got through to Salima city. It was already close to Lake Malawi. I saw number of ads about lodges.
We have found our destination. One of lodges, Carolina lodge, was just on border of lake. Surface of it is almost 1/3 of Malawi country. I’ve read that there is just one shuttle, serving from Monkey Bay up to north borders since 50ies. More than 60 years. Unfortunately it was Sunday, if it was Tuesday or Wednesday I would see it on the way to Monkey Bay.

We had to continue our trip. Having beer and some lunch, it was really hard to get back to car, and leave that magnificent view of lake.
Our further journey passed quite quickly on snaking road between hills. Malawi from car perspective was really marvellous. And surprisingly full of people. I can say that all the time we were passing people walking, riding bikes and just sitting on a way. There were also police controls. It was just a gate on road and as our car was approaching to one policeman or policewoman was opening it without question. We could easily continue.

Typical village in Malawi

One more important, I think impression. Africa is green, very green full of tress, bushes and fields. It is raining season, but always.
After 415 km and 8 hours of road tip we were in Lilongwe – capital city of Malawi.

To west... 

poniedziałek, 30 stycznia 2012

Blantyre - Malawi

I spent few days in Blantyre. City is quite ok. It is not overcrawded, with few traffic, maybe due to lack of oil and forex problems... Cars are going slowly... Blantyre is second largest city in Malawi, after capital city of Lilongwe. It is about 150 km from here to Mozambique border.

City center.
Street next to office....  notice meeting on high level next to lantern :)

Nevertheless people who live here, live in very special place. City is surrounded by small hills.

City center overview

This are slums in Blantyre
I must add some comercial about beer. Carsberg - Probably the best beer in the world  is in Malawi. And it is brewared here. Local brand by Carlsberg is Kuche-Kuche. One can find original Carlsberg "Green" and Carlsberg "Special".

Kuche kuche in 0.5 l bootle, 3,75% vol. Bottles look like old polish lemonade bottle. 

All streets and roads are almost empty of cars. In the other hand lots of people are walking along roads, from and to work, or just to walk. Bus tickets for private public small buses are to expensive. If someone has a bike, it must be luxury.
Vehicles for public transport have white plates, all others have yellow.

Next destination is Lilongwe, capital city.

czwartek, 26 stycznia 2012

Podroz do Malawi

Moja podroz do Malawi zaczela sie na lotsnisku w Lusace. Opuszczalem to miejsce gotowy na poznawanie kolejnego afrykanskiego kraju. Wszytsko byloby fajnie gdyby nie wiza. Nauczony doswiadczeniem zawczasu wypelnilem niebiekie formularze ze nic nie wyzwoze, i dlaczego wyjezdzam i pelen przekonania dokonalem odprawy. Zdziwienie nastapilo przy odprawie paszportowej. Okazalo sie ze wiza sie skonczyla tydzien wczesniej. Ups.. No coz celnik zaczal pytac, a po co bylem w Zambi, jak dlugo, czemu tyle razy i ze kara bedzie 4 mln kwacha i wogole.
Ponarzekal, ponarzekal z drugim sie skonsultowal. Na pytanie czy mozna dokupic wize, pomyslal przetrawil...
Nowa "wiza", oczywiscie nieistniejaca, kosztowala pozbycie sie prezydenta Franklina z mojej kieszeni.
Nastepna wizyta w Zambii nie wczesniej niz przed listopadem.

Wiza w wydaniu Zambii

Dalej bylo juz z gorki, albo raczej w gore. Lot do Lilongwe jakim boeingiem. Szalony pilot zaraz po oderwawniu sie od plyty lotniska zaczal skrecac. Pilot byl Murzynem jak nic. Strach ogarnal moich wspolpasazerow pod koniec lotu. Widok Araba modlacego sie do Allaha w samolocie - moznaby przytoczyc za za wszystko inne zaplacilem mastercardem. Pytanie skad wiedzial w ktora strone jest Mekka. Oczekiwanie na nastepny samolot w Lilongwe i 50 minutowy lot bo Blantyre...

środa, 25 stycznia 2012

Streets of Zambia

I had a chance to drive arround Lusaka. Here are best pictures from my trips.

First two - just outside of Lusaka city. It is raining season so all plants, trees, grass are very green.

30 minutes after rain stopped. And it is 15 km away from Lusaka -  rough road...

Crossroad in city center. Everyone has priority here!!! On left - public transport.
Colors of public/privte buses were recently changed after new president election.

Same crossroad 

Full story :)

środa, 11 stycznia 2012

In Hotel

Pond in my hotel is full of live.
There are small crocs visible only in the morning, taking morning sunbath on rocks.
In afternoons - yellow birds are flying arround nests.

wtorek, 10 stycznia 2012

Zambia in 2012

I was afraid that this visit in Zambia will be very short - my visa was only for 12 days. No way, on airport border lady told me to buy new visa, so I have brand new one.

Yesterday I was in Malawi embasy in Lusaka, to apply for another visa to Malawi. Becouse Poland is worst that 3rd world country it means that polish man must do visa to any black land country in Africa.... Good thing is that to get visa to Malawi here takes only 3 days, comparing to more than a week in Berlin.

Today my driver told me that whether here is strange this year. It is raining season and there are really few rains. Same story as with snow in Poland?

As allways small trips during a daywork are specialite de la maison. In really close aproximity to city center, one can drive on small hill 100m heigh - around 1700m above sea level. Even whith 4x4 Toyota it was not quite easy. Remainings of asphalt road and big rocks gave a lot of satisfaction on a top.
And of course fine view on area...

Airport in far view - it is not allowed to take pictures!

Lusaka in far view
News from today - next week Malawi tbc, later Mozambique, and return to Lusaka tbc.