wtorek, 29 listopada 2011

South Luangwa part 2 - safari

There were requests to publish in english, I will upload next posts in english version.

Well, let's have a look on safari trips. Time schedule  was very strict. Wake up at 5.30am, breakfast, really fast and 6am departure from lodge to South Luangwa National Park. At 6am in the mornign sun is still very low. It might be still cool temperature after night. It is good time to go for morning safari. Trip is something like 3-4 hours, to return just for brunch and siesta time. At 3.30pm it is time for coffee and departure for afternoon trip to park. Depends how much we wanted to see we were in the South Luangwa to 8pm ~ 9pm. I must admit that it is getting dark around 6pm.

Our team: David, Keil, Keira, Debi (behind), Julius - our guide, and me

During the day safari we had a chance to see a lot of babuns, antelopes, elephants, a lot of birds - blue ones, green ones, black ones... I must say that we were "hunting" to see lions and gepards. We were lucky and our guide - Julius - could show us something special. Lion had just catch young antelope and started to eat. Place was crowded with other trucks in very few minuts. 
Lion was just eating and observing all visitors. Noone was talking, everyone was impressed, and one could here only whispers or sound of smashed impala's bones.
Other time we could see was lion-mother with 4 small cats. It was night already, temperature got cool down, so many animals gathered around lake to have fresh water. This time there were only three vehicles. Everyone was amazed with this view and watching the scene in silence. Really nice time.
On the way back in the night, already on the public road, outside of the park, big hippo was crossing the street. We had to stop wait until he is gone in bush and continue our return to lodge for dinner.

I can't upload photos now. I will do that later.

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